Authorised Exclusive Seller of Baa Baa Sheepz (Hong Kong & Macau)

Returns Policy

Returns Policy


When you receive the goods, please check that the goods match your purchase order and items are not damaged. If the goods are found to be faulty or defective upon arrival, please report it to within 7 days of receipt. We will not accept any issues reported after 7 days. (Please refer to the Return Arrangement Section below).

We accept the following for refunds or exchanges:

  1. Incorrect items received or faulty items


We do not accept the following for refunds or exchanges:

  1. Missing packaging, missing labels, missing contents (all goods must be returned in the original state in which they were received, including any instruction booklets, tags and labels. If the goods have been damaged, modified or damaged, no refund will be given.)
  2. Due to personal reasons including but not limited to, purchasing the wrong product, wrong colour or quantity, or any other personal preferences
  3. Goods altered or modified by the customer
  4. Faulty or incorrect goods not reported to us within 7 days of receipt
  5. Goods marked ‘non-returnable’


Return Arrangement

Faulty or incorrect goods:

  1. Please report the issue by email to within 7 days after receiving the goods and specify the following:
  • Subject "Return Request" with order number
  • State the reason and attach photos of the faulty goods/faulty part of the goods
  • Specify whether you would like a refund or exchange (should the item be out of stock at the time of return, we will arrange for a full refund to your original payment method within 14 working days.)
  • If the return request is approved, you will receive a return confirmation email, please ensure you send the return after you have received this confirmation. Kindly send the return and email us the shipping receipt.
  • After we have received the goods, we will issue a full refund. In general, refunds done via your original payment method within 14 working days. If you choose to exchange, we will ship the replacement product within 2-4 working days. (Should the item be out of stock at the time of return, we will arrange a full refund accordingly).

Note: Our Petite Story will not be responsible for damage or loss of goods during the return.






  1. 收到的貨品與訂購貨品不相符或收到的貨品已損壞



  1. 無包裝袋、標牌、及貨品內容有缺 (退還時必須與收貨時所有配件及包裝一致)
  2. 客人個人的原因,例如買錯貨,買錯顏色及個人不適用等
  3. 經客人修改過及使用後出現的受損貨品
  4. 收貨後7天內未有報告問題的貨品
  5. 部分已標明不提供退貨服務的貨品



  1. 閣下必須於收貨後7天內電郵到ourpetitestoryhk@gmail.com報告問題,電郵請列明:
  • 標題「申請退貨」和訂單編號 
  • 內容寫上原因 及 附上貨品損壞的照片
  • 列明 退款 或 換貨*
  • 當我們確認符合退貨申請後,閣下會收到回覆確認,方可退貨給我們 (連同運費收據) 。
  • 成功退回貨品後,我們會於系統安排退款,一般會在14個工作天內將你的貨款退回到你的付款帳戶。如選擇換貨,我們將於 2 - 4 個工作天內寄出貨品。(我們會盡力為閣下提供因退貨而更換新的貨品,但有時因供應有限而無法提供,我們一律於收到退貨後14個工作天內退還有關客人購買時的款項。)


注意:貨品如在退貨其間有損壞或遺失,Our Petite Story 恕不負責。